
Full Position, Now I Wait— Crypto Trading Bot Update June 7th, 2024

valuezone 12 June 2024

Full Position, Now I Wait— Crypto Trading Bot Update June 7th, 2024

This is what I always want to happen, but secretly always have a little apprehension.

I woke up, my bots were both in the green. Then it seems like I looked up, and looked back down, and they were both in the red, having invested my full balance.

That was fast.

Source : Pionex Mobile App

Source : Pionex Mobile App

That happens sometimes.

The market can swing fast.

I kind of expected a little dip going into the weekend and now my bots are both at full position, and I am hoping for an upward trend to occur.

We shall see.

I am waiting and hoping for an uptick before the end of the day, and hopefully not making me wait until next week.

Source : Pionex Mobile App